As residents frantically evacuated the area around the northern California town of Cohasset due to a raging fire (caused by arson), one person was faced with a difficult decision. Their truck broke down and they had to leave behind two adult Rottweilers and their puppies. It was clearly a tragedy in the making.
Enter Butte County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) Search and Rescue team’s Trevor Skaggs, who quickly decided he was not going to let that happen on his watch. He hopped on a BCSO helicopter, was flown to the perilous area by pilot Conner Smith—then ran a mile and a half to track down the pooches.
But his daring rescue was not over—he still had to get Mama and babies to safety. (Sadly, Dad did not survive the ordeal.) After first sharing his water and his protein bar with the canine clan, he somehow managed to convince them to follow him on the long road back to the chopper.