Red state

Retired NFL Punter Disrupts a Council Meeting, Declares MAGA a ‘Nazi Movement’ – RedState

The virtue signaling in local politics is sometimes remarkable. In Massachusetts, the City of Worcester passed an ordinance that made the city a sanctuary for transgender people. What that means is a mystery to the sane, but okay, Worcester. 

The collection of people who flooded the meeting looked like they had raided a Halloween shop. They screeched at council members until the council agreed to sanctify the loudmouths and offer a worthless sanctuary for people who didn’t need it.

Fifteen years ago, the LA City Council voted 13-1 to ban government travel and future contracts with Arizona. As the council “debated” the issue, there was no hyperbole left on the cutting room floor. The ban’s sponsor, Former Councilmember Ed Reyes, joined with his chums and compared the Arizona law to… Nazi Germany. And, for good measure, they also compared it to the…

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