News Busters

Rick Santorum Warns of Growing Censorship Threat in America by the Left

Former Republican Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) gave a stark warning to Americans about the rising threat of censorship by the dystopian left.

Santorum joined the Oct. 21 edition of Newsmax TV’s American Agenda where he blasted the left for targeting Sticker Mule CEO Anthony Constantino for daring to promote a ‘Vote for Trump’ sign. Constantino displayed a ‘Vote for Trump’ sign following the July assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump atop his business’ building. Following the display being erected, Amsterdam, NY Mayor Michael Cinquanti (D) attempted to sue for the sign to be removed, ultimately losing the case. “Americans better wake up,” Santorum exclaimed. 

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“This is really typical of Leftist regimes all throughout the world,” Santorum said in…

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