RIP, Sen. James Inhofe (1934-2024) – HotAir
Hot Air

RIP, Sen. James Inhofe (1934-2024) – HotAir

Not too long ago, I thought back to one of the few men in politics I allowed myself to actually like on a personal basis. Senator James Inhofe had been a frequent guest on my podcasts, and had welcomed me and my wife into his Senate office on a few memorable occasions. Senator Inhofe liked to just converse, not only about important issues at hand but about our families. A visit to his office provided all sorts of pictures and discussion of his family, and it clearly delighted him to proudly talk about all of them.

We hadn’t talked in the last couple of years of his Senate term, and he decided to retire at 87 rather than contend for another term. I hoped that he would have lots of time to spend with his family, but I still missed our discussions. And thus today’s news saddened me more than most obituaries do, perhaps especially in how NBC News and the New York Times summarized…

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