Hot Air

RNC Ready to Jump Ahead and Declare Trump as the Party’s Presumptive Nominee – HotAir

The RNC is considering a resolution that will declare Donald Trump the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee.

Ronna McDaniel, the chair of the RNC, must be under intense pressure from Team Trump to do it. She’s beholden to Trump for her job – he chose her for the role – and she has been a very loyal soldier for him. Trump is angry now that Nikki Haley refuses to suspend her campaign as his other opponents have done. She’s not ready to give up and he’s not happy.

Trump was in New York City today for the E. Jean Carroll lawsuit. It was a good time for Ronna to distract and put this story out. Trump doesn’t have anywhere near the number of delegates required to win the nomination, of course, because only two states have voted. The nominee needs 1,215 delegates. As of Thursday, it looks like Trump has 32 delegates and Haley has 17. It’s a way for the RNC to push aside…

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