Red state

Roseanne Barr Plans Her TV Comeback Based on ‘Guns, the Bible, Petty Crime, and Alcoholism’ – RedState

Ever notice how every now and then you stumble across a news item where you read the first paragraph or two, shake your head, do a double-take, and go, “Wait, what?”

This is one of those times. I rarely read Variety, mostly because it’s a show-biz rag, and I don’t give two hoots, or even one, about show-biz. But a friend of mine, in the course of teasing me about my redneck background, sent me this piece; it seems Roseanne Barr, aiming for a television comeback, is planning something… different.

The new series, which will star Barr and be four to six episodes in line with the U.K. comedy format, is “a cross between ‘The Roseanne Show’ and ‘The Sopranos,’” she says, and centers on a small-town farmer in Alabama who is “saving the United States from drug gangs and China.” The protagonist dabbles in growing and selling drugs like cannabis and…

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