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Russian Troops Not Thrilled with North Korean Conscripts – HotAir

We’ve be hearing for a few days now that North Korean troops are now preparing to enter the battlefield against Ukraine. CNN reports on some audio intercepts which suggest the Russian troops aren’t thrilled with their presence so far.

The Russian soldiers talk disdainfully about the incoming North Korean soldiers, codenamed the “K Battalion,” at one point referring to them as “the f**king Chinese.”

In the same extract, a serviceman describes another who has been tasked to “meet people.”

“And he’s like standing there with his eyes out, like… f**k,” the soldier says. “He came here and says what the f**k to do with them.”

Another concern seems to be who will command them, especially given that none of these troops speak Russian.

The intercepts also reveal plans to have one interpreter and three senior officers for every 30 North Korean men,…

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