Hot Air

Sam Brinton to be held in men’s jail

As Beege reported last week, Joe Biden’s nuclear non-binary baggage burglar was busted again. (God, I loved that title.) But what are the authorities supposed to do with him? This wasn’t his first time standing before a judge, but thus far he had miraculously avoided having to do any time behind bars. His luck ran out in Maryland yesterday, though. A Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department official told the NY Post that Brinton is to be held while awaiting the next step in the legal proceedings. He is currently on a “pre-placement hold” at the county jail and they plan to have him in with the general population next week. But which jail? The men’s or the women’s? Turns out that Brinton is still “intact” (my apologies to any readers who just gagged) and they jail criminals based on their “biological sex” and not their fabulous fashion sensibilities. So Sam Brinton will be in the men’s jail.Read More 

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