News Busters

Satanic Temple Altar Stirs Controversy at Iowa Capitol Building

The Satanic Temple of Iowa set up an altar on the first floor of the Iowa state Capitol building as a form of free speech and religious freedom, the Des Moines Register reported. In response, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) insisted that the display is part of a “free society” and was blasted for her words.

The Satanic Temple allegedly received permission and followed protocol to get the display set up. It features many candles, the Satanic Temple logo and a red-caped figure that represents the pagan idol, Baphomet. The figure also has a silver ram’s head, and the display highlights the “seven fundamental tenets” of Satanism.

According to a local news report, the department of administrative services said, “there’s a procedure to apply for getting to have [a] display” at the statehouse and the Satanic Temple did follow it.

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