Red state

Saving California May Require Spying on Beavers From Space

Just when you thought California couldn’t get any more ridiculous, now, in the name of saving the state, a group of scientists are proposing to monitor the once-Golden State’s beavers. From space. 

Seems like a dam waste of money to me.

Over the past several years, a team of beaver scientists and Google engineers have been teaching an algorithm to spot the rodents’ infrastructure on satellite images. Their creation has the potential to transform our understanding of these paddle-tailed engineers—and help climate-stressed states like California aid their comeback. And while the model hasn’t yet gone public, researchers are already salivating over its potential. “All of our efforts in the state should be taking advantage of this powerful mapping tool,” says Kristen Wilson, the lead forest scientist at the conservation organization the Nature Conservancy. “It’s really…

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