News Busters

Scarborough: Forget the Fall, Biden ‘Crushed the Extremes’ in ‘Big Blanking Deal’ on Debt Limit

On Friday’s Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough brushed aside Joe Biden’s Close Encounter of the Sandbag Kind. Instead, in absurdly glowing terms, Biden toady Scarborough hailed the new debt-ceiling deal with Kevin McCarthy as a monumental, Reaganesque, achievement. It was a “big, blanking deal,” joke-quoting Vice President Biden.

Scarborough read from his own tweet: 

“Biden crushed the extremes once again and cleared out a space in the middle big enough to drive a truck through. He may have trouble riding a bike or walking across the stage. But the man knows how to get things done in D.C. better than any president since Reagan.”

Kevin McCarthy’s achievement in getting the necessary votes to pass the agreement was given relatively short shrift. No Reaganesque moment for him! Scarborough noted McCarthy “stared down the extremists in his own caucus,” and Mika Brzezinski grudgingly agreed: “let’s give him that.”

Scarborough also analogized Biden to 77-year-old rock legend Neil Young. He recounted a Young concert he attended a “couple” of years ago, when people started to shout out songs they wanted him to perform. 

“Ya know, I’ve done this before.” Like, just let me do what I’m gonna do.The whole place roared. And that reminds me of Biden. There’s, there’s no substitute for experience. This guy’s done it before. You look at how he, once again, once again, defied expectations, not only from the haters, but from his own party. And it’s, it’s a pretty remarkable record.


Scarborough and the liberal media at large can try to laugh off Biden’s latest fall. But falls pose a serious danger for people of Biden’s advanced age, and are associated with a significantly increased risk of mortality. Biden might have one fall left before even his supporters say he’s not up to another term.

Joe Scarborough hailing Joe Biden’s supposedly “big, blanking deal” in getting a debt limit agreement was sponsored in part by Abbvie, maker of Rinvoq, Sandals, and

Here’s the transcript.

Morning Joe
6:03 am EDT

JOE SCARBOROUGH: It’s a measure of just what a big, blanking deal this was —

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Those are Biden’s words!

SCARBOROUGH: To borrow from Vice President Joe Biden after the Affordable Care Act passed, you just go back to a week ago. And you look at all of the headlines talking about how we were in crisis, we weren’t going to get this done. The Huffington Post, Trouble Ahead For Debt Deal.” BBC, “Debt ceiling crisis looms as talks end with no deal in sight.” It just went on and on. 

And I think most people were predicting this was going to be a massive crisis. The fact that Joe Biden was able to do what Joe Biden was able to do once again, and that Kevin McCarthy basically stared down the extremists in his own caucus.

MIKA: Mm-hmm, let’s give him that.

SCARBOROUGH: Again, a really big deal. 

. . . 

He not only delivered this week, he’s been delivering for quite some time, Willie. I mean, you look at — I said this, make no mistake, Biden crushed the extremes once again and cleared out a space in the middle big enough to drive a truck through.

He may have trouble riding a bike or walking across the stage —

MIKA: There’s that.

SCARBOROUGH: But the man knows how to get things done in D.C. better than any president since Reagan.

And just a pop culture moment. I went to see Neil Young in concert a couple years ago. Somebody dragged me out. I never go out at night to watch concerts. But I’m a huge Neil Young fan.

Was watching, and people were shouting songs from the balcony, “Play Old Man! Play Needle and the Damage Done!” And Neil Young just stopped. He was plugging his guitar into his amp. He just stopped, turned around, and looked up and he said, “Ya know, I’ve done this before.” Like, just let me do what I’m gonna do. The whole place roared.

And that reminds me of Biden. There’s, there’s no substitute for experience. This guy’s done it before. You look at how he, once again, once again, defied expectations, not only from the haters, but from his own party. And it’s, it’s a pretty remarkable record.

On Friday’s Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough brushed aside Joe Biden’s Close Encounter of the Sandbag Kind. Instead, in absurdly glowing terms, Biden toady Scarborough hailed the new debt-ceiling deal with Kevin McCarthy as a monumental, Reaganesque, achievement. It was a “big, blanking deal,” joke-quoting Vice President Biden.

Scarborough read from his own tweet: 

“Biden crushed the extremes once again and cleared out a space in the middle big enough to drive a truck through. He may have trouble riding a bike or walking across the stage. But the man knows how to get things done in D.C. better than any president since Reagan.”

Kevin McCarthy’s achievement in getting the necessary votes to pass the agreement was given relatively short shrift. No Reaganesque moment for him! Scarborough noted McCarthy “stared down the extremists in his own caucus,” and Mika Brzezinski grudgingly agreed: “let’s give him that.”

Scarborough also analogized Biden to 77-year-old rock legend Neil Young. He recounted a Young concert he attended a “couple” of years ago, when people started to shout out songs they wanted him to perform. 

“Ya know, I’ve done this before.” Like, just let me do what I’m gonna do.The whole place roared. And that reminds me of Biden. There’s, there’s no substitute for experience. This guy’s done it before. You look at how he, once again, once again, defied expectations, not only from the haters, but from his own party. And it’s, it’s a pretty remarkable record.


Scarborough and the liberal media at large can try to laugh off Biden’s latest fall. But falls pose a serious danger for people of Biden’s advanced age, and are associated with a significantly increased risk of mortality. Biden might have one fall left before even his supporters say he’s not up to another term.

Joe Scarborough hailing Joe Biden’s supposedly “big, blanking deal” in getting a debt limit agreement was sponsored in part by Abbvie, maker of Rinvoq, Sandals, and

Here’s the transcript.

Morning Joe
6:03 am EDT

JOE SCARBOROUGH: It’s a measure of just what a big, blanking deal this was —

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Those are Biden’s words!

SCARBOROUGH: To borrow from Vice President Joe Biden after the Affordable Care Act passed, you just go back to a week ago. And you look at all of the headlines talking about how we were in crisis, we weren’t going to get this done. The Huffington Post, Trouble Ahead For Debt Deal.” BBC, “Debt ceiling crisis looms as talks end with no deal in sight.” It just went on and on. 

And I think most people were predicting this was going to be a massive crisis. The fact that Joe Biden was able to do what Joe Biden was able to do once again, and that Kevin McCarthy basically stared down the extremists in his own caucus.

MIKA: Mm-hmm, let’s give him that.

SCARBOROUGH: Again, a really big deal. 

. . . 

He not only delivered this week, he’s been delivering for quite some time, Willie. I mean, you look at — I said this, make no mistake, Biden crushed the extremes once again and cleared out a space in the middle big enough to drive a truck through.

He may have trouble riding a bike or walking across the stage —

MIKA: There’s that.

SCARBOROUGH: But the man knows how to get things done in D.C. better than any president since Reagan.

And just a pop culture moment. I went to see Neil Young in concert a couple years ago. Somebody dragged me out. I never go out at night to watch concerts. But I’m a huge Neil Young fan.

Was watching, and people were shouting songs from the balcony, “Play Old Man! Play Needle and the Damage Done!” And Neil Young just stopped. He was plugging his guitar into his amp. He just stopped, turned around, and looked up and he said, “Ya know, I’ve done this before.” Like, just let me do what I’m gonna do. The whole place roared.

And that reminds me of Biden. There’s, there’s no substitute for experience. This guy’s done it before. You look at how he, once again, once again, defied expectations, not only from the haters, but from his own party. And it’s, it’s a pretty remarkable record. 

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