On Thursday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) endorsed the chairman of the Wisconsin Democratic Party, who supports the hard-Left anti-Semites of his party and is a devotee of DEI policies, to head the Democratic National Committee.
Schumer’s disingenuous behavior vis-à-vis Israel has been on display for years. Boasting that his last name closely resembles the Hebrew word “shomer,” which means to guard or protect, Schumer has bragged of his support for Israel despite his consistent betrayals of the Jewish state. He only voted against Barack Obama’s approval of the Iran nuclear deal after he knew it would pass without his vote; he was silent as vicious anti-Semitic actions took place across American universities (“A recent congressional report shows how he texted then-Columbia president Minouche Shafik telling her to keep her head down as the noise is only coming…