Hot Air

Seattle’s Extra $5 Fee on Delivery Apps Blowing Up on Drivers – HotAir

Ah, well. Sadly today, I have yet another entry for the “Whoda Thunk It” progressive policy file. Another brilliant progressive idea and another spectacular flop.

I know it’s an inordinately difficult thing for a progressive to swallow, but the truth is that not all occupations were meant to be “living wage” gigs, no matter how many times you click the heels on your ruby slippers and chant the mantra. 

I’m sorry, but there it is.

Every dang time these liberal city and county boards get to messing with a system that’s working pretty well for most participants – providing a flexible schedule and decent wages – in many cases, a living wage based on how hard they want to work and the economy, progressives seem driven to tinker with “good enough” success.

Witness what’s happening to California pizza delivery drivers in the face…

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