In yet another example of why Fox News host Greg Gutfeld reigns supreme as the king of late night, NBC’s “Late Night” host Seth Meyers not only again made a fool out of his TDS-riddled self on Wednesday night, but the irony of his hypocritical attack against President Donald Trump was hilariously off the charts.
In a twisted recap of Trump’s Tuesday night speech before both chambers of Congress, Meyers sophomorically began (emphasis, mine):
Let me tell you, of all the things I’ve said about Donald Trump over the years, you know, and I’ve said a lot. I’ve called him weird, racist, weird, fascist, weird, stupid, weird, a liar, weird, a moron, weird, and a weird weirdo who’s weirdly weird. I even have a new children’s book called about Trump in the NBC store called “Where’s Weirdo?” You can find it in the free bin right next to Dwight Schrute’s cookbooks. Of…