Hot Air

SF Chronicle Lays Out the History of the Ziz Group – HotAir

I wrote about this group/cult of trans “rationalists” last week. People connected to the group are suspected in a series of murders across the country, from Vallejo, California to a small town in Vermont. Today, the SF Chronicle published a story detailing the group’s history starting with their plan to create a fleet of boats run by like-minded individuals. At the center of all of this was Jack Amadeus “Ziz” LaSota, a trans woman and a “rationalist” whose views gradually became more extreme, plus another trans woman named Gwen Danielson.

They were part of a Bay Area intellectual movement and subculture, called rationalism, whose followers coalesced, in online forums and at communal homes and gatherings in Berkeley, around their desire to improve human cognition and their fears about runaway artificial intelligence.

LaSota and Danielson were also…

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