News Busters

Shapiro Rips Climate Czar John Kerry for ‘War’ Rhetoric

The Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro let Biden Climate Czar John Kerry have it for his manipulative language at the World Economic Forum. 

Shapiro blasted Kerry for using “war” rhetoric to advance his climate agenda. During the Jan. 18 edition of The Ben Shapiro Show, Shapiro went after Kerry and the entire left: “There’s language that people on the left love to use when they are talking about controlling you and that is the language of war. The war on poverty is about controlling income. It is about controlling redistribution of wealth. The war on climate change is similarly about controlling exactly how you live your life.” 

Shapiro explained, “This is why people in politics are constantly eager to use war language because in a war, you have to put your entire population on rations. In a war, you get to draft people and put them in…

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