Hot Air

Should We Demolish the Sites of Mass Shootings? – HotAir

Six years ago, the nation witnessed one of the worst mass shootings to date at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Seventeen people died in the carnage. Last week, construction crews arrived and began tearing down the building where the shooting took place. This has raised some uncomfortable questions for the survivors and the public at large which the Associated Press is exploring this week. There was nothing structurally wrong with the building making it any less safe than the rest of the structures on the campus. It’s being torn down solely for emotional purposes. Is that the right thing to do? Will it really make anyone feel any better?

Last week in Parkland, Florida, wrecking equipment began demolishing the building at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School where a gunman’s rampage in 2018 ended with 17 people dead. As the rumble of destruction echoed,…

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