Hot Air

Silicon Valley ‘Billionaire City’ Put on Hold – HotAir

As the poet Robert Burns warned us way back in the 1700s, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. That’s not only true, but the “men” in question (and in this case certainly some women as well) include billionaires. Roughly nine months ago we learned that a massive land-buying operation in Northern California near Travis Air Force Base was not actually the work of the Chinese Communist Party, but instead a small army of billionaires who were investing under the auspices of a group called Flannery Associates. They planned to build a new, “green” paradise city for billionaires in the rich farmlands of East Solano County. But their plans quickly ran into a snag. They had seemingly been quietly snatching up all of that land without bothering to check and find out that new commercial construction of any sort or land development not directly related to agriculture was banned in…

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