Red state

Singer Macklemore Finds Out the Hard Way That Being Anti American and Pro Hamas Isn’t Good for Business – RedState

“Thriftshop” singer Macklemore is going to have plenty of time to “pop some tags” now that he’s been booted off the bill of the inaugural Neon City Festival in Las Vegas, Nevada. The singer, born Benjamin Haggerty, is learning the hard way that actions — and words — have consequences. Especially when you are so misguided as to proudly and unabashedly voice hatred for your country for all to hear and see.

Here’s what happened: Macklemore, a Seattle native, appeared last weekend at a “Palestine Will Live Forever” concert held in his hometown alongside such notable acts as … well, nobody you’ve ever heard of. The name of the pro-Hamas festival comes directly from the antisemitic chant heard around the world this past year as unhinged leftists like Macklemore embrace the Hamas terrorists who massacred thousands of Israelis:

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. From…

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