Hot Air

Sixth Circuit Kills Biden Attempt to Control Internet – HotAir

Really? We thought Net Neutrality was “over” in 2017. Joe Biden’s attempt to revive it came to a crashing end just days before his presidency will do the same, however. 

In a unanimous ruling yesterday, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals struck down Biden’s attempt to give government control of the Internet via the FCC. The court’s ruling includes mobile broadband as well as terrestrial Internet services, which means the court rejected jurisdiction even for the communications that take place across the public spectrum. And as at least one Net Neutrality advocate conceded, it’s pretty much toast at this point:

Democrats at the Federal Communications Commission had considered the reinstatement of net neutrality a major accomplishment under the Biden administration. The reversal is a glimpse of the years ahead, during which President-elect Donald Trump’s…

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