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Snopes Hilariously Backpedals and Reverses ‘Fact Check’ of Biden Wearing Hard Hat Backwards – RedState

I reported the other day about Joe Biden’s visit to Superior, Wisconsin. 

He visited a brewery and had some seriously incoherent moments. It was quite troubling, even on the Biden scale of incoherence. 

READ MORE: Biden the ‘Big Guy’ Goes Completely Incoherent During Brewery Visit in Wisconsin

Biden’s team keeps searching for how to make him more popular, but they’re sort of caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. The more they bring him out and run him around, the more chance he has to make gaffes. 

And Biden had a big gaffe on the Wisconsin trip, in addition to the scary incoherence. As I reported — he wore a hard hat backwards. 

That was pretty hilarious because…

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