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Society’s Downward Spiral Since 1960s

Up until the 1960s, the traditional nuclear family—one man, one woman, and at least one child—was seen as the societal ideal.

But in the 1960s, the American family came under withering attack and has never been the same since—resulting in myriad societal problems that seem to spiral increasingly downward with each passing year.

The Great Society “reforms” devastated the African American family, as men no longer had to be responsible for the children they fathered as long as the government was there to subsidize their promiscuity.

Coupled with legalized abortion, men could simply walk away from a woman they impregnated because the “problem” of a child could just be disposed of by going to the local Planned Parenthood office.

No-fault divorce laws were proposed, and then passed, under the pretense of making divorce more amicable and less traumatic….

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