Boosted by a solid bloc of Democrat support, the continuing resolution funding a portion of the federal government until the end of the fiscal year sailed through the House by a vote of 339-85. Of the 85 nay votes, 83 came from Republicans. Details of who voted how can be found at this link. The 132 yea votes contributed by the GOP show that the Freedom Caucus wing of the House is not terribly relevant on must-pass legislation.
This $460 billion ‘minibus’ covered funding for Agriculture-FDA, Energy-Water, Military Construction-VA, Transportation-HUD, Interior-Environment, and Commerce-Justice-Science. The rest of the government, including the more contentious Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, and the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, will receive a vote on March 22.
BACKGROUND: Continuing Resolutions Frustrate Republicans and…