Hot Air

Some Universities Are Still Rebranding DEI Offices Instead of Dismantling Them – HotAir

Ever since some red states started restricting the DEI focus of colleges and universities, some schools have been trying to cheat. I wrote about this back in April (here and here). The gist is that some school administrators have decided they can sidestep DEI restrictions by simply renaming the offices that carry out those functions or, in some cases, by shuffling personnel around without firing anyone. This has been called rebranding.

This week an organization that monitors DEI practices on campuses across the US put out a report saying some schools are still rebranding even in states that have passed laws regulating DEI on campus., which monitors CRT curricula and training in higher education, has cataloged over 700 institutions of higher education to examine activities on campus. The group says that out of 26 universes where legislative efforts have been…

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