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‘Something Going On in Our Country,’ Ben Carson Says at Confab

Dr. Ben Carson provided personal anecdotes Friday and encouraged faith in God at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s 15th annual Road to Majority conference in Washington, D.C. 

“There’s something going on in our country, and it’s not an accident,” said Carson, a retired neurosurgeon who was secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development in the Trump administration

America is in the way of a one-world government, so “they need to change us,” Carson told the crowd at the Washington Hilton. “That’s why they have gone inside to destroy the moral fabric of the U.S.”

By removing God from the public square, diminishing the role of the family, and making sexual immorality “natural, normal, and healthy,” he said, the Left has been successful in destroying that moral fabric. 

To combat this, the celebrated brain surgeon said,

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