Red state

Something More Dangerous Than Rhetoric Is Fueling Political Violence – RedState

It could be purely performative of her, but when I read that Sunny Hostin from “The View” was aghast that 18 million people in America were perfectly fine with the idea of using physical violence to stop Trump, I couldn’t help but believe her surprise. Like a person who started walking, deep in thought, only to find themselves a good distance from where they started, I think Hostin had a moment where she finally looked up and saw where she had taken herself. 

(READ: Sunny Hostin Has Brief Moment of Clarity, Condemns Number of People Who Back Violence Against Trump)

The immediate reaction is to point at people like Hostin and blame them for the rhetoric that caused people to make attempts on Trump’s life. To be sure, the rhetoric really doesn’t help, but let’s not let that buzzword blind us from the real issue at hand. Rhetoric is a piece of the puzzle, but it’s not the complete…

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