Speaker Mike Johnson and 64 House Republicans Assess the Crisis on the Southern Border – RedState
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Speaker Mike Johnson and 64 House Republicans Assess the Crisis on the Southern Border – RedState

On Wednesday, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson led a delegation of 64 House Republicans on a tour of the southern border in Eagle Pass, Texas. Their goal was twofold: to review the damage caused by the record influx of illegal aliens, particularly over the last month, and to put pressure on President Joe Biden to implement tougher immigration policies. 

House Speaker Mike Johnson on Wednesday led a delegation of 64 Republicans in a trip to the southern border as the GOP seeks to ramp up election-year pressure on President Joe Biden and Democrats to reach a deal on immigration restrictions.

The group toured the Eagle Pass, Texas, port of entry and held an afternoon news conference, during which the GOP lawmakers continued their demands for tougher restrictions and criticism of President Biden amid the tumult at the southwest border.

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