News Busters

Spectator’s Foldi Interviews Gold Star Father Arrested During Biden SOTU

Our great friend Matthew Foldi had a story Sunday night at The Spectator that served as Steve Nikoui’s first interview since the Capitol Police arrested him on Thursday night for shouting at President Biden during the State of the Union about the infamous Abbey Gate and his late son, Karrem Nikoui.

Karrem Nikoui, a United States Marine, was one of 13 Americans murdered by Islamic terrorists in Kabul on August 26, 2021 during the Biden administration’s cataclysmically horrendous withdrawal from Afghanistan. Two and a half years later, Biden has yet to say their names.

Steve Nikoui told Foldi that “what” in Biden’s speech “set me off” and led to him shouting “[d]o you remember Abbey Gate”:

“When he was talking about kids, in one moment, they’re glorifying these abortions… you know, he aborted my kid by giving him none of the things…

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