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State AGs Assail Pediatricians Group on Trans Policies for Youths

Twenty state attorneys general are accusing the nation’s largest association of pediatricians of violating state consumer-protection laws in relation to gender dysphoria care for minors and transgender children.

The AGs’ letter, spearheaded by Idaho Attorney General Raul R. Labrador, was addressed to leaders of the Itasca, Illinois-based American Academy of Pediatrics.

“It is abusive to treat a child with biologically altering drugs that have an unknown physiological trajectory and end point,” Labrador wrote. “It is also inhumane to endorse such experimentation without a confident safety profile, especially if more times than not, it proves to be medically unnecessary.” 

Labrador says in the letter Tuesday that an Idaho law, Code § 48-603(17), prohibits “engaging in any act or practice that is otherwise misleading, false, or deceptive to the…

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