Red state

Stay Out of the Way and Let Biden Self-Destruct During the SOTU – RedState

On Thursday evening, Americans will be subjected to one of the worst traditions in the nation’s history. No, I’m not talking about eating Turkey on Thanksgiving instead of a delicious brisket. I’m talking about the State of the Union

Its ridiculous pomp and circumstance are contrary to everything America stands for. Thomas Jefferson quickly ended the practice of giving an in-person speech in 1801, concluding the similarity to a British monarch addressing the plebs was unseemly for a constitutional republic. It wasn’t until 1913 that Woodrow Wilson, one of the nation’s worst and most authoritarian presidents, decided he wanted the spotlight again. 

So here we stand, on the cusp of the press pretending Joe Biden isn’t a colossal failure so they can proclaim his latest State of the Union a turning point in his presidency. Get ready for lots of “Joe Biden delivered the best speech…

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