News Busters

Still at War: Disney-Owned ABC Screeches at DeSantis for Defunding Diversity Programs

Disney returned Tuesday to use its broadcast network ABC and Good Morning America to throw another childish tantrum over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s (R) conservative agenda driving a stake through the heart of wokeism. This time, the Disney-owned outfit bemoaned DeSantis signing into law a bill to defund Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs from public colleges and universities.

Co-host and former Clinton official George Stephanopoulos started things off: “Now to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. He’s signed a bill that defunds diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in the state colleges and universities as he moves closer to running for the White House.”



After adding to the pile of speculation that DeSantis would soon launch a 2024 presidential campaign, chief Washington correspondent Jonathan Karl griped that a campaign bid came “as DeSantis is using the power of his governorship to push hot-button issues appealing to his party’s conservative base.”

“Appealing to his party’s conservative base?” No matter a conservative’s popularity, the liberal media never fail to frame their policies as fringe or “appealing to” ones “base” and omit how progressives expanding abortion “access” wasn’t framed as radical.

Nevermind DeSantis won reelection in November by 19 points, Republicans swept state row offices, and the GOP gained supermajorities in the state legislature (while the state added a congressional seat). When Disney needs ABC to do them a solid, they do it (see here, here, here, here, here, and here).

Karl dug into the bill signing on DEI:

Surrounded by supporters, Ron DeSantis claimed a victory in the culture war, signing into law a bill that passed without a single Democratic vote to block Florida’s public colleges from using government funding on programs supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion, sometimes referred to as DEI.

Following a clip of DeSantis mocking DEI as more appropriately titled “discrimination, exclusion, and indoctrination,” Karl was gentler toward “critics” who “say DEI programs are essential to making campuses inclusive and accused DeSantis of imposing his ideology on higher education.”

Clearly in need of time to cope, Karl added that “DeSantis signed the bill at New College of Florida, a public university whose board DeSantis fired in order to install conservative leadership, prompting student protests, including outside his event on Monday.”

Karl had more potshots at DeSantis by saying Monday marked “the latest in a series of controversial moves by the Florida governor to appeal to Republican primary voters…on abortion after six weeks, and a law expanding restrictions.”

Seeing as how a DeSantis presidency would be far less beneficial to his bank account as a second Trump term for someone who has two New York Times bestsellers ripping Trump (and a third on the way), Karl concluded by adding grease to the skids of the 2024 GOP primary: “If DeSantis is hoping to win over Trump supporters, there is no evidence that it is working, at least not yet. In the latest ABC News poll, George, DeSantis was trailing Trump by 26 points. Other polls show him trailing by an even greater number.”

Disney’s latest smear against DeSantis through their propaganda outlet was brought to you by advertisers such as Dove and Subaru. Follow the links to see their contact information at the MRC’s Conservatives Fight Back page.

To see the relevant transcripts from May 16, click “expand.”

ABC’s Good Morning America
May 16, 2023
7:14 a.m. Eastern

[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: New This Morning; DeSantis Defunds “DEI”; Signs Bill Defunding Diversity Programs in State Higher Education]

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Now to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. He’s signed a bill that defunds diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in the state colleges and universities as he moves closer to running for the White House. Chief White House — Washington correspondent Jon Karl has the latest. Good morning, Jon.

JONATHAN KARL: Good morning, George. In a clear sign that DeSantis is close to announcing that he is running for president, his team has told top donors and supporters to plan to be in Florida the middle of the next week with sources close to DeSantis saying a presidential announcement is likely before Memorial Day. This as DeSantis is using the power of his governorship to push hot button issues appealing to his party’s conservative base. Surrounded by supporters, Ron DeSantis claimed a victory in the culture war, signing into law a bill that passed without a single Democratic vote to block Florida’s public colleges from using government funding on programs supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion, sometimes referred to as DEI.

GOVERNOR RON DESANTIS (R-FL): DEI is — is better viewed as standing for discrimination, exclusion, and indoctrination and that has no place in our public institutions. [APPLAUSE]

KARL: Critics of the new law say DEI programs are essential to making campuses inclusive and accused DeSantis of imposing his ideology on higher education.

STATE SENATOR SHEVRIN JONES (D): What they’re doing is trying to suppress students’ thinking and trying to tell professors and administrators how and what they should teach and muzzling them in what they can and they cannot say.

KARL: DeSantis signed the bill at New College of Florida, a public university whose board DeSantis fired in order to install conservative leadership, prompting student protests, including outside his event on Monday.

DESANTIS: I saw some of the protesters out there. I was a little disappointed. I was hoping for more, but you know. [LAUGHS] [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE]

KARL: It’s only the latest in a series of controversial moves by the Florida governor to appeal to Republican primary voters. He recently signed into law a ban on abortion after six weeks, and a law expanding restrictions on teachers discussing sexual orientation and gender identity through senior year of high school. If DeSantis is hoping to win over Trump supporters, there is no evidence that it is working, at least not yet. In the latest ABC News poll, George, DeSantis was trailing Trump by 26 points. Other polls show him trailing by an even greater number. George?

STEPHANOPOULOS: Early [INAUDIBLE] so far. Jon Karl, thanks very much.

Disney returned Tuesday to use its broadcast network ABC and Good Morning America to throw another childish tantrum over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s (R) conservative agenda driving a stake through the heart of wokeism. This time, the Disney-owned outfit bemoaned DeSantis signing into law a bill to defund Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs from public colleges and universities.

Co-host and former Clinton official George Stephanopoulos started things off: “Now to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. He’s signed a bill that defunds diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in the state colleges and universities as he moves closer to running for the White House.”



After adding to the pile of speculation that DeSantis would soon launch a 2024 presidential campaign, chief Washington correspondent Jonathan Karl griped that a campaign bid came “as DeSantis is using the power of his governorship to push hot-button issues appealing to his party’s conservative base.”

“Appealing to his party’s conservative base?” No matter a conservative’s popularity, the liberal media never fail to frame their policies as fringe or “appealing to” ones “base” and omit how progressives expanding abortion “access” wasn’t framed as radical.

Nevermind DeSantis won reelection in November by 19 points, Republicans swept state row offices, and the GOP gained supermajorities in the state legislature (while the state added a congressional seat). When Disney needs ABC to do them a solid, they do it (see here, here, here, here, here, and here).

Karl dug into the bill signing on DEI:

Surrounded by supporters, Ron DeSantis claimed a victory in the culture war, signing into law a bill that passed without a single Democratic vote to block Florida’s public colleges from using government funding on programs supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion, sometimes referred to as DEI.

Following a clip of DeSantis mocking DEI as more appropriately titled “discrimination, exclusion, and indoctrination,” Karl was gentler toward “critics” who “say DEI programs are essential to making campuses inclusive and accused DeSantis of imposing his ideology on higher education.”

Clearly in need of time to cope, Karl added that “DeSantis signed the bill at New College of Florida, a public university whose board DeSantis fired in order to install conservative leadership, prompting student protests, including outside his event on Monday.”

Karl had more potshots at DeSantis by saying Monday marked “the latest in a series of controversial moves by the Florida governor to appeal to Republican primary voters…on abortion after six weeks, and a law expanding restrictions.”

Seeing as how a DeSantis presidency would be far less beneficial to his bank account as a second Trump term for someone who has two New York Times bestsellers ripping Trump (and a third on the way), Karl concluded by adding grease to the skids of the 2024 GOP primary: “If DeSantis is hoping to win over Trump supporters, there is no evidence that it is working, at least not yet. In the latest ABC News poll, George, DeSantis was trailing Trump by 26 points. Other polls show him trailing by an even greater number.”

Disney’s latest smear against DeSantis through their propaganda outlet was brought to you by advertisers such as Dove and Subaru. Follow the links to see their contact information at the MRC’s Conservatives Fight Back page.

To see the relevant transcripts from May 16, click “expand.”

ABC’s Good Morning America
May 16, 2023
7:14 a.m. Eastern

[ON-SCREEN HEADLINE: New This Morning; DeSantis Defunds “DEI”; Signs Bill Defunding Diversity Programs in State Higher Education]

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Now to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. He’s signed a bill that defunds diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in the state colleges and universities as he moves closer to running for the White House. Chief White House — Washington correspondent Jon Karl has the latest. Good morning, Jon.

JONATHAN KARL: Good morning, George. In a clear sign that DeSantis is close to announcing that he is running for president, his team has told top donors and supporters to plan to be in Florida the middle of the next week with sources close to DeSantis saying a presidential announcement is likely before Memorial Day. This as DeSantis is using the power of his governorship to push hot button issues appealing to his party’s conservative base. Surrounded by supporters, Ron DeSantis claimed a victory in the culture war, signing into law a bill that passed without a single Democratic vote to block Florida’s public colleges from using government funding on programs supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion, sometimes referred to as DEI.

GOVERNOR RON DESANTIS (R-FL): DEI is — is better viewed as standing for discrimination, exclusion, and indoctrination and that has no place in our public institutions. [APPLAUSE]

KARL: Critics of the new law say DEI programs are essential to making campuses inclusive and accused DeSantis of imposing his ideology on higher education.

STATE SENATOR SHEVRIN JONES (D): What they’re doing is trying to suppress students’ thinking and trying to tell professors and administrators how and what they should teach and muzzling them in what they can and they cannot say.

KARL: DeSantis signed the bill at New College of Florida, a public university whose board DeSantis fired in order to install conservative leadership, prompting student protests, including outside his event on Monday.

DESANTIS: I saw some of the protesters out there. I was a little disappointed. I was hoping for more, but you know. [LAUGHS] [CHEERS AND APPLAUSE]

KARL: It’s only the latest in a series of controversial moves by the Florida governor to appeal to Republican primary voters. He recently signed into law a ban on abortion after six weeks, and a law expanding restrictions on teachers discussing sexual orientation and gender identity through senior year of high school. If DeSantis is hoping to win over Trump supporters, there is no evidence that it is working, at least not yet. In the latest ABC News poll, George, DeSantis was trailing Trump by 26 points. Other polls show him trailing by an even greater number. George?

STEPHANOPOULOS: Early [INAUDIBLE] so far. Jon Karl, thanks very much. 

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