Study Explores Why More People are Childless – HotAir
Hot Air

Study Explores Why More People are Childless – HotAir

For years now, we’ve been analyzing the alarming drop in birth rates in the United States and most of the Western world. This situation is no longer hypothetical in terms of being a potential crisis. The United States has already fallen below the minimum reproductive replacement rate (an average of 2.1 children per adult woman) for multiple years in a row. Somewhat ironically, it’s only the massive influx of illegal migrants that is keeping our heads above water at the moment. While there is clearly a valid question to be asked as to whether a population that is increasingly comprised of illegal aliens is worth saving, it’s still an issue of great concern. USA Today gathered a group of “experts” in this field who surveyed childless American women and couples to try to figure out why so few people are choosing to bear children today. The answers probably won’t be all that shocking to…

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