Hot Air

Sullivan Tries to Carterize Biden’s Awful Legacy – HotAir

If someone titled a film Time Horizon*, we’d expect a cheesy, 1980s-style low-budget and low-tech yawner, with “thoroughly forgettable” as a best-case outcome. If you’re trying to explain the legacy of a political figure, “time horizon” is a pretty good way to admit sotto voce that his career was a disaster in the present moment.

And so we come to Jake Sullivan’s attempt to polish Joe Biden’s legacy, which comes in the middle of a Washington Post effort to do the same. While this attempt came before news of Jimmy Carter’s passing, it’s clear that Sullivan wants us to believe that history will also credit Biden with the accomplishments of his successors, rather than assess his presidency accurately:

Even some of his closest advisers, without faulting Biden, conceded recently that his style of governing did not always mesh with today’s politics.


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