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Supreme Court Justices Sound Skeptical of Mexico’s $10 Billion Gun Lawsuit – HotAir

Mexico would like the Supreme Court to force US gun manufacturers to pay as much as $10 billion for contributing to the violence of Mexican drug cartels. SCOTUSblog has the backstory to this case:

Mexico has very strict gun laws that make it almost impossible for criminals to obtain a gun legally there. There is only one gun store in the whole country, and the government issues fewer than 50 gun permits per year. But Mexico ranks third in the world in the number of gun-related deaths. In 2021, 69% of homicides were committed with a gun. Mexico contends that as many as 70 to 90% of the guns that police recover at crime scenes in the country were trafficked into Mexico from the United States.

Mexico filed a lawsuit in 2021 in federal court in Massachusetts. It contended, among other things, that supplying guns to Mexico’s illegal gun market is a feature,…

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