Red state

Surprise! Nation’s Capital Ranked As Least Desirable Place to Live in the Entire US of A – RedState

We already know that Americans are fleeing blue states and cities in droves and searching for greener pastures in places like Texas, Tennessee, Utah, and Idaho. We also know that in 2020, California saw its first net population decline since 1850 as residents flee high taxes, woke dictates, and exploding crime. We regularly read about formerly great cities like Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, and Portland descending into chaos and blight.

But where’s the absolute worst place to live in the United States? Turns out, according to surveys, it’s the nation’s capital, Washington D.C. It’s not just the “Swamp,” duplicitous politicians, and crazy Nancy Pelosi that make it such an unappealing place to reside, it’s high taxes, crime, the “migrant crisis,” and the excessive cost of merely surviving that make it such a no-fun zone.

The numbers are in, and they are not kind:


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