Swiss Supreme Court Says Parents Must Facilitate Daughter’s Gender Transition
Daily wire

Swiss Supreme Court Says Parents Must Facilitate Daughter’s Gender Transition

Switzerland’s highest court has ruled that a mother and father must facilitate their daughter’s gender transition or face criminal charges, The Daily Wire has learned.

The Swiss Federal Supreme Court (Schweizerisches Bundesgericht) rejected an appeal from the parents, who argued that both the Swiss Federal Constitution and international law protected their right to protect their daughter from a sex change, according to ADF International, the legal group backing the parents. They have been separated by court order from their daughter for over a year and a half because they objected to this transition attempt, according to ADF International, which said the court’s judgement was made on November 6 but embargoed until this week.

The parents are considering appealing to the European Court of Human Rights in order to protect their daughter, The Daily Wire has learned.

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