Hot Air

Taking Bets on How Far Newsom Is Prepared to Push Illegal Bennies – HotAir

Alright, alright, alright. Lemme set the table on this one. 

California’s own Randall Flagg-lite, oleaginous governor Gavin Newsom, has been playing fast and loose with the state’s budget since, well, basically, he was the mayor of San Franciso. Only as governor, he could write his fantasy ticket on a state budget instead of having to disrupt one. He has not disappointed. 

It seems as if the unctuous poseur has indulged every Green grifting scheme and consequent mandate known to man, forced reams of growth-choking regulations on the businesses and industries who used to happily populate what was once truly a Golden State while promoting victim and grievance classes to the detriment and abuse of the remaining regular citizens. Those beaten down souls remaining who fund the special programs and protected status the various groups all now enjoy.

Now, he has had a couple of reality…

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