Talk of Me Invading NATO is ‘Complete Nonsense’ – HotAir
Hot Air

Talk of Me Invading NATO is ‘Complete Nonsense’ – HotAir

Vladimir Putin is attempting to shoot down one of the more pervasive talking points currently making the rounds in Washington. Responding to Joe Biden’s recent calls for urgency in sending more money to Ukraine to avoid having to fight Russia on NATO soil, Putin said the idea was “complete nonsense.” He also referred to the current US policy regarding Russia as “erroneous.” He asserted that Russia has no “economic, political, or military” interest in fighting with NATO countries. And while I hate being put in a position where I’m forced to agree with the despotic dictator, he’s probably right. (NY Post)

Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin said US President Joe Biden’s claim that Russia would attack a NATO country if he won in Ukraine was complete nonsense, adding that Russia had no interest in fighting with the NATO military alliance.

Biden earlier this month warned…

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