News Busters

Tax-Funded MSNBC? PBS Anchor Amna Nawaz Rips Trump as Lying Tyrant

The PBS News Hour crew is clearly heartsick that the Democrats are in a crisis over Joe Biden’s mental decline, and they know their liberal audience wants to change the subject back to Horrible Trump. Sounding like a taxpayer-funded MSNBC host, PBS anchor Amna Nawaz described the former president as an authoritarian full of lies in the Friday pundit roundtable with liberal David Brooks and more liberal Kimberly Atkins Stohr.

Can anyone imagine how Nawaz might explode in rage if anyone actually was allowed to voice a Republican view on PBS? Mock Democrats for not being democratic? For being incompetent at governing? After a few minutes of talking about the Biden crisis, Nawaz uncorked it:

NAWAZ: Biden backers have told me, look, they’re worried that the focus on this conversation takes the focus off of Trump, who is an antidemocratic candidate with…

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