Hot Air

Teamsters Union Donates to RNC – HotAir

The Teamsters donated to the RNC and that is raising eyebrows. The powerful labor union reported a $45,000 donation, per Federal Election Commission reports. 

The report was made but there is some confusion because the RNC has not yet received the money. Union officials are adamant that this does not equal an endorsement of Donald Trump for president. However, it is impossible to ignore the implications of such a donation. 

The Democrat Party’s control of blue-collar voters has dramatically shifted. Trump’s election victory in 2016 was credited to average working-class voters who came out to support him. Since then, a realignment is happening between the two major parties. The Republican Party is becoming the party of blue-collar workers as the Democrat Party becomes the party of white-collar more financially successful voters. 

Biden and Trump are battling for blue-collar voter…

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