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Ted Cruz Explains Importance Of SCOTUS Overturning Chevron Decision

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) praised the U.S. Supreme Court this week for overturning the Chevron decision late last week, saying that the ruling would play a major role in dismantling the administrative state.

Cruz made the remarks during the most recent episode of his “Verdict” podcast with co-host Ben Ferguson while talking about the Supreme Court’s 6-3 vote to overturn the 1984 ruling in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council.

“The Chevron decision created something that is called ‘Chevron Deference.’ Now what is Chevron Deference? It was a doctrine that said the courts will defer to federal agencies on rules and regulations so long as that rule and regulation is, quote, ‘reasonable,’” Cruz said. “What it did is it gave enormous powers to un-elected bureaucrats and Chevron, you can trace in a very direct line, the rise of the administrative state, the rise of…

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