Teens Attacked Over Language Barrier – RedState
Red state

Teens Attacked Over Language Barrier – RedState

One has to wonder if our major cities aren’t past the “interesting times” bit and nearing Snake Pliskin-style “Escape From New York” times.

On Thursday night in New York City, three men approached two teenage boys. The three men asked the teens if they spoke English. When the teens indicated they did not, the trio of men attacked them.

Officials say a trio of men approached the teens around 7:40 p.m. Thursday night, when one of the men asked if the teens spoke English. When the teens said they did not, they were attacked, according to police.

Police say they were responding to a 911 call for an assault in Lower Manhattan when they found a 17-year-old male with a stab wound to the chest and an 18-year-old male with a stab wound to the left arm.

Emergency medical services responded and transported both teens to the NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue location,…

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