Texas State Troopers Will Stop Patrolling Austin Amid Rising Crime Rates – RedState
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Texas State Troopers Will Stop Patrolling Austin Amid Rising Crime Rates – RedState

Amid concerns about rising crime rates in Austin, TX, the city decided to end its collaboration with state law enforcement. As major cities all across the country have been grappling with handling illegal activity, this move is sure to raise some eyebrows.

On Saturday, it was reported that the Texas state troopers would no longer patrol Austin for violent crime.

The Texas Department of Public Safety’s Austin Violent Crimes Task Force will no longer patrol the city, starting this weekend. These state troopers were tasked with addressing violent crime and supporting an understaffed police department.

The partnership between the Austin Police Department and DPS began in March and was temporarily suspended in May for state troopers to address border security after the expiration of Title 42, a holdover migration policy from the Trump administration.

The initiative was relaunched a few…

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