Hot Air

That next “wave” of EVs may turn out to be a trickle

In the United States, we are reminded on a regular, often daily basis of the crucial need to give up our gas-guzzling vehicles and get an electric car or truck so we can save the planet or whatever. We hear it from everyone from the President to most of the cable news outlets. The day is coming sooner than you think! You need to be ready! We receive ominous warnings of bans on the sale of gas vehicles and penalties for those who fail to comply. So how is that working out so far? Are people rushing out to get their EV and their personal charging station? According to the latest polling from The Associated Press and NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, not so much. Only a little more than 15 percent of American households have either an electric or hybrid vehicle. And when it comes time to buy their next car, not many expect it to be an EV.Read More 

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