Well, the RNC is over! And I think we’ve seen just about enough of what the Republican party has been reduced to under the so-called leadership of Donald Trump. It’s time for America to choose. Do we want a courageous leader like Joe Biden, who when he falls down, gets back up — whether he falls down going up a flight of stairs or trying to go up the flight of stairs again or even just walking across a room — he gets back up as many times as it takes to cross that room.
Or do we want to descend to the level of a man like Donald Trump who when he falls down — because, you know, he’s been shot in the head by a bullet from an AR-15 sniper rifle — sure, he gets back up, but then he spits the bullet out, and shakes his fist at death and shouts, “Fight, fight, fight,” which frankly is just divisive.
I, for one, was appalled by the RNC and its rampant display of Christian…