Daily wire

The Best Reactions To Trump’s Victory

Ah, the sweet triumph of victory. 

It’s a beautiful time for democracy, for freedom, and for America. On Tuesday, November 5, the people gave a decisive “hell no” to the Democrats despite their control of the media, the entertainment industry, academia, and major corporations. We came together as a nation to beat back the force of wokeism that was poised to destroy what so many of our ancestors died to build and protect. 

Some have referred to these election results as the revenge of the normies – those “garbage” folks who just want to get back to normal American life free from crippling inflation, open borders, and radical left-wing gender theory. Good news everyone – we did it. Donald Trump was elected the 47th president of the United States in a landslide victory.

“Many people have told me that God spared my life for a reason,” president-elect Trump told…

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