Red state

The Christmas Churro – RedState

Christmas is a time for miracles. We’re celebrating, of course, the greatest miracle of all. But some miracles are of the minor variety — perhaps not even truly miracles at all. I’m choosing to see them as such, though. 

I experienced one of those minor miracles Christmas morning, and thought I’d take the opportunity to share with our RedState readers, who hopefully are enjoying their day, celebrating and relaxing and reflecting. 

Baking really isn’t part of my skill set. Cooking, marginally so. But no one has ever accused me of being a baker. However, if you present me with some relatively easy-to-assemble goodies that can just be popped into the oven, I can usually manage not to make a disaster of them. 

We have a semi-tradition in my family of cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning. Years ago, my mom started making them (the ready-made kind, nothing fancy) to have handy to…

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