Hot Air

The Coalition That Defeated Trump Has Shattered – HotAir

Jonathan Chait has a lengthy piece at New York magazine arguing that it’s not the right that is about to reelect Donald Trump so much as it is the progressive left. Of course he doesn’t mean that leftists are suddenly going to switch parties and pull the lever for Trump. What he does mean is that the fragile coalition between moderate liberals and leftists which joined together in 2020 with the goal of defeating Trump seems broken. His starting point is the fact that Biden’s poll numbers only seem to go down.

At the moment, the state of the anti-Trump coalition looks far more grim than it did in 2020 or even 2016. Biden has an anemic approval rating, far worse than Trump, Barack Obama, or any other incumbent at this stage…

By November, Biden’s approval rating fell below 40 percent with some polls showing it in the low 30s. We continue to assume every new all-time-low…

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