Hot Air

The Dying Establishment Laments – HotAir

Peggy Noonan was the unofficial poet of the Reagan administration. She crafted some of his most eloquent speeches with him and, over time–decades, not years–was able to make her fellow establishmentarians comfortable with Reagan. 

She wrote the two most memorable speeches in Reagan’s presidency. The first was his address after the explosion of the space shuttle, and the second was his speech at Normandy on the 40th anniversary of D-Day, known as the “Boys of Point-Du-Hoc” speech. 

Noonan, not Reagan, became Reagan in their eyes once he was safely dead and buried.  Every time you hear a Democrat or Pravda Media person praise Reagan, they are praising the Reagan image that Noonan built.

That’s because Peggy has always been of the Establishment, if not by birth, by education and inclination. She and…

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