Hot Air

The Education on Marxism We Desperately Need – HotAir

How did Marxism come to dominate American Academia and now US politics after a century of oppression, terror, and failure? 

Those of us who lived through the Cold War, and especially those who served on its front lines, must be asking that very question. When the Berlin Wall fell, most of us assumed that Marxism and socialism had been thoroughly discredited. F.A, Hayek had written its eulogy not long after Stalin came to power in his seminal book The Road to Serfdom, which lays out a predictive path of oppression and collapse for any country foolish enough to adopt either. Hayek had foreseen Venezuela’s collapse under Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro decades earlier. 

The track record of Marxism and its cousin socialism is uniformly terrible, and all too often horrible. Marxist revolutions began emerging in and around World War I and succeeded in places like Mexico, Vietnam, and…

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